
R & D and manufacturing of automated packaging machines



Contact: Manager Zhang
Mobile phone number: 13728069596
Enterprise fixed line: 0757-81090389
Customer service QQ: 839696313
Company address: No. 1 District, Datang Village Industrial Zone, Qungang, Guanyao, Nanhai District, Foshan City

contact us

contact US

Guangzhou Jingfan Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Zhang
Mobile phone number: 13728069596
Enterprise fixed line: 0757-81090389
Customer service QQ: 839696313
Company address: No. 1 District, Datang Village Industrial Zone, Qungang, Guanyao, Nanhai District, Foshan City

Contact: Manager Zhang
Mobile phone number: 13728069596
Enterprise fixed line: 0757-81090389
Customer service QQ: 839696313
Company address: No. 1 District, Datang Village Industrial Zone, Qungang, Guanyao, Nanhai District, Foshan City